The Eye-ler Perspective

4 - Premonitions, Magic, and TP

Kyler and Tyler Episode 4

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Our last episode was pretty intense.  We wanted to do something light-hearted and fun.  Here are some funny stories from our time in Chile and Uganda. 

Check out our other social media to see more about the stories we talk about. 


The Eye-Ler Perspective

What's up. Welcome back. This is Kyler. This Tyler let's get things going. Yeah, you're, you're listening to the either perspective.  So today we thought it'd be funny too. As bull, well, I was going to say, as both of you. Assuming there's only two people listening.  

There might just be two. There might just be too. It's fine. We wanted to share some funny stories from our experiences when I lived in Chile. And when Kyler lived in Africa. Ganda yeah. Crazy. Yeah. When were you in Chile?  2011 to 2013. Is when I was out there. Yeah. I was in Uganda, 2011 to 2013 to, yeah. But there's the first good story. Oh,  

Yeah, so Kyler, he just wanted to learn Spanish, poor guy. 

He that's, all he wanted to do was learn Spanish.  Yes, that was pretty good at it before. Yeah. And so our mission calls. Kylie got his, a mission call before me. And he was going to Uganda, English speaking, and he was like, gosh, dang it. Yeah, I guess, I guess I'll start the story like this. I I always wanted to learn Spanish and both my brother and my dad served missions in Brazil. And so they both knew Portuguese. And so I was really really hoping that I was going to get to go to south America. 

I thought for sure that's what was going to happen. As I got closer and closer to my mission, I kept on getting these weird like premonitions. And it made more sense once I got my mission call, but beforehand it was just kind of like random happenstances. For example, One I was doing baptisms in the temple. And I remember picking up a missionary edition of the. Enzyme or Leona, whatever they call them. The church magazines and I flipped to the back and there was this article about  international MTCs.  And it said you could be at a one to 15,000 missionaries that go to the Provo MTC.  Or one of a couple dozen that go to the South Africa, MTC.  And I was like, well, that'd be gnarly to go to a different MTC other than Provo.  And so when my mission call got closer, I remembered the day before I got my mission call, my dad took me out to Mexican food.  And it was it's the place. 

I still go and eat Mexican food, even though isn't it. Isn't the same restaurant. It's the same Mexican food, just different names. And I remember my dad asked me the weirdest question about mission, because leading up to that, everyone always wants to hype you up and say like, where do you want to go? Yeah. 

And during that lunch visit, he goes, where's the last place on earth. You want to go?  And the last place on earth, I told them was like, well, you know, either India or Africa,  

 And he goes, why  those places? I was like, well, India, because their religion and their background is like worshiping multi-armed women and like cows and stuff. 

And I thought that was kind of out there. And I was like an Africa because they've got all these tribes and all these different dialects and it would just be really hard to try to teach Christianity to a group like that. And so the next day, when I got my mission call. I remember before I opened it, I ran into the bathroom cause I was feeling pretty nauseous and I knelt over the toilet. And I set a prayer and my prayer was.  Look, God, you're my main man upstairs. 

And this is, it was a really casual prayer like this. I'm not just making it up.  I was like, you're my man. You're my main man. Here's the deal?  If you. Really want me to stay in the United States. I'm cool with it. But for the love of God, please make it for the love of yourself. Please make it Spanish speaking.  

But if you, for the love of yourself, right?  Loving yourself.  

Okay. I was begging, I was like, please make it Spanish speaking. I was like, but.  If you really, really, really want me to speak English, I get it. But please again for the love yourself. Make it somewhere outside the United States.  

As if it wasn't already written. Yeah, it was already written. And so I'm just like sitting here.  Oh, God, let me go ahead and make an adjustment.  

Backspace a couple change that mission real quick. I mean, they could now technically, but before it was already written. Yeah, it was already paper in hand. So I remember when I opened it up and I read that it was the Uganda Kampala mission.  And that I was going to be speaking English. I was like,  Oh shit. He was speaking. 

And I was like, oh, thank God. It's an Africa. And then I found out I was going to be going straight to the Johannesburg, South Africa in DC. So that was, that was gnarly for me. But then the story that I was really getting to was when you, when you went to open up your call and you can tell us about that. Yeah. 

So Kyler. And I were preparing to go around the same time, obviously, as you can tell, and he was fine. He was excited for me to let my mission call. But he had like made it known that he was going to be super jealous. If I learned Spanish. And if you went before me and if I went beforehand, but he could like accept one or the other, like either he would leave before me or I didn't learn Spanish. 

Yeah.  Anyways. So you talked about stories of like premonitions, kind of where you're going to go. I want to talk a little bit about that and myself as well, which is crazy that you had some too. I was actually praying to know. So.  If you're listening, you might think this is weird, but like I've had dreams throughout my life that have come true. And so I was just saying like, Hey, like you in the scriptures, talk about prayer and dreams and giving people answers for your dreams.  So I actually saw my mission and a Dre, and there's a damn emission where I actually walked by that exact spot. He had like, The extreme danger, if it was like, oh my gosh, that was my dream. But. When I had the original dream, I thought it was California. Oh, and because I saw that Berta paradise, which is. One of the main flowers out in California. 

Oh yeah. I saw Palm trees.  And it just like, seemed like California had been there a couple of times. They all speak Spanish. Yeah. So there's, there's a lot of Spanish speakers out there. And and I was just like, oh my gosh, I'm going to California. And then, I mean, it was like pleased anywhere, but California, cause I had an ex that was living in California is like, I can't, I can't go to California. Anyway, we're in California. 

And funny enough, I'm married to somebody from California now, but so yeah, I, and then I went on my mission and I was walking on the streets like, oh my gosh, This is the exact dream. It was like six months ago. I mentioned I was just crazy. Crazy anyways. Back to opening the call. So I get my commission call. 

I opened it up. And I read that I'm going to be serving in Chile.  And that I'm going to be Spanish speaking. And you can see Kyler in the background. You can't see them in the video, but I could see him and he like sank a little bit, was like, oh, I was deflated. It's just like, and I was stoked out of my mind because I wanted Spanish speaking so bad. 

I've been taking Spanish through so many years. Thinking that I was going to like make it so that I could learn Spanish. And so when I got that, I was stoked well, because all of our buddies want Spanish speaking to. Well, and then like my best, I got talked on last time. Like Julian's family, they all speak Spanish. 

I wanted to know Spanish. And looking at it now, like most of my friends.  Aside from you really like. We're all Hispanic and this speaks Spanish. So but aside from that, we, we continue. And as soon as I read the date that I was leaving, And it was after Kyler. We have a recording of this.  In the background, you hear Kyler go.  Yes. Just as loud, like a huge screen and nobody like my house is full of people. Nobody understands why he's so stoked about that date. But it was all about Kyler. 

He just wanted to make sure.  Since I learned Spanish that I was leaving after him.  It worked out. I mean, it was really embarrassing watching your video afterwards. Cause I was like, it comes up every year in memory. Oh. And the worst part is the fact that like everyone was so silent. Oh yeah. And so I was just like, Overjoyed that you were leaving after me that I was like, oh, yes, I'm not going to be the last brand. 

Oh, Just hanging around Utah valley. It was so funny. We literally watch it every year. I'm going to see if I can scroll back far enough to find it. We'll just have to put it on our social media. So yeah. When you listen to this podcast, hit up our social media, you know, Facebook, Instagram, all that. And we'll put the video up there  so.  Leading onto some good stories from our missions. Oh man. I've got a lot of funny ones. I mean, So an LDS mission or mission for the church is, you know, your purpose is to invite others to come under Christ by helping them receive this . 

Restored gospel Jesus, you got the whole thing. No, this is the thing I had to memorize through faith in Lord Jesus Christ, repentance baptism, receiving the gift. The holy ghost. And during to the end, do you believe that now? I think that that is a good model for a lot of people who aren't.  At the point to be able to open their spiritual eyes and really see, okay. 

I think I'm one of those. Like small steps to try to get someone in the correct direction. I mean, if you're like directionless, And you're pretty miserable. It gives you hope and like a good base knowledge of foundation of trying to learn spiritually on your own. Yeah. Once you start understanding how the spirit or. You know, Oh God, or whatever DD you want to believe in speaks to you. You're able to tune into that a whole lot better than just through an organized religion. 

Right. So I think initially it's not bad for people. I'm, I'm, I'm good with that. But I, but we'd go and we'd serve these  24 month, two year missions where the whole time. You'd be a.  You'd be out and. All day, every day. You're preaching the gospel.  And.  And what was wild was, you know,  I mean, I was in a third world country.  And.  We come from.  You know, boy scout background and stuff where we like to play a lot of games and have a lot of fun. 

And.  I remember there was times on my mission where we had companions that.  You know, when you spend a whole lot of time with someone and you realize that they weren't really progressing towards anything. And they were just kind of being a waste of your time. We would This isn't appropriate. I shouldn't even tell this story, but we play a game called black magic. Do you remember that game from Timberline?  No. You don't know what's that? 

Okay. So black magic. Okay. Spoiler alert. If you don't.  

Blinded magic was dull. Yes. Yes. Do you want to play real quick?  

I don't think it's going to come across. I was just on podcasts.  It's a Britain down right in front of them. Obviously they plan to this. Oh, either that, or, you know, they're looking around in the closet and just trying to find stuff to, to guess, and that'd be kind of straight up. People down there.  

This is so bad, dude.  

But those people that we realize we're just wasting our times as just kind of like knocking the dust off of our feet at their doorstep kind of idea. What do you mean by that? So in the Bible, it talks about how, when the apostles weren't received by people that they were trying to preach to, they would knock the feet. The dust off of their feet at their doorstep, which was basically like a damnation that they weren't inviting in. 

So your servants of God. Not necessarily damning people. No, no, not damning.  It sounds horrible, but we play a game that  would make someone who doesn't know how to play the game. Black magic. Think that you were psychic. Or he had some sort of special availabilities, like the spirit.  Telling you, so you manipulate it, the people have you gone to. I'm not going to say manipulated because that's a strong word because the people that I actually taught and the people that I loved and took to baptism didn't have anything like that. This is literally the people that were just a waste of time and space that were just so rude to us that it was just like a final, like drop the mic. 

You'll never be able to do what we can do kind of thing.  So bad. So me and my companion.  Okay.  Yes.  

We're like living in this. That's so funny.  

Yeah, let me explain the how black magic is played. So spoiler alert, if you don't want to learn the game. Then don't listen to the next a minute and a half. That's a long time. It's going out. It's going to be quick. I'm just trying to jump ahead for them. But black magic is basically you have two people that know the rules of the game. 

One person gets invited outside of the room, so he can't see or hear what's going on inside the room.  You have the other people that don't know the games being played. To pick an item in the room.  Anything you. You and I, our mission companions. Yes. And I leave the room and then you have one of the members tell you what they're thinking. 

One of the investigators. Yeah. Someone that knows nothing about us. And I just say, Hey, pick anything in the room. And my companion will be able to come in here and guess it. Yeah. But they'd have to tell you what it is. Yeah. Well, they tell, they tell you as an individual, what that item is. Yes. Yeah, they verbalize it and say, Hey, we're going to choose this. 

Yeah. We're going to choose the coffee mug. Yeah. And so, okay. The coffee mug is the item, right? He doesn't know that right now. No, he doesn't. Okay. We invite my companion back in. We invite you back in. And then I started leading the game. And saying. You know, is it.  This picture.  No. Is it that blanket? No. 

Is it the black television?  No. Is it the coffee mug? Yes. And now all of a sudden. They've lost their mind because they're like, how did you notice the coffee mug? Then they send you out and they make you do it like three, four times. You do it three or four times and you prove it to them that you're never going to make a mistake, but the trick of the game and the reason it's called black magic is because the item that is chosen by the person that doesn't know how to play the game, the next person describes items in the room. But the item that's directly after what's you label as black or what's the color black. Is the item that they chose. So it's a really unfair game for someone who doesn't know how to play it.  But when you know how to play it, it's, it kind of seems like magic. So you did this to people and then they'd be like, wait, teach us. 

No, no, no. We do that to people like, oh, you're a witch. No, no, no. They wouldn't even think that they'd be like, wow, that's really cool. But most of those people weren't really interested anyway, so they just kind of fell by the wayside. That was just kind of like our. Ha look what we got and then you leave. And never see them again. So, oh my God. It was super dumb. 

We didn't do it a lot. Okay. Just a couple of times. So when I said I played it, I was just playing it with the kids to entertain them.  

I played black magic with them and they'd be like, whoa, how'd you do that now? I'd play with that involves in their area. We also had to stick sniff. Oh, the sticks. So they thought we were so cool with that. But, you know, I never used it to like mess with people or like,  Yeah, and it was bad. Yeah, it was total manipulation on that part. 

Yeah. But I also, I don't know. Your mission. Might've had a lot of drunks too.  But in Uganda, they had this, this giant alcoholic beverage called Oh, shoot. I just forgot what it's called. Anyways, it's in a giant. Oh, Matawa it was called Matawa. And it was in this giant pot and they'd have like six to eight foot straws. And these dudes would just be sitting around with pot. Multiple straws in the pot. They're all just sitting around in this hut or out in the open, just chilling. 

And it was a hot alcoholic beverage. So it'd be on the fire and they'd just be sipping on it through these eight foot straws, which, you know, There's going to be a lot of backwash back into that pot. It was absolutely disgusting, but, but it's boiling. So, I mean, yeah.  I mean, so they have the, they had the Motorola and there was a lot of drunks, but there was also a lot of gambling. 

So there's a lot of playing cards and I knew a lot of car tricks. And so that was another thing I used to do to, to drunks was I would sit down with them and. Pull out car tricks and be like, if I can guess your card, you have to come to church on Sunday. Jeez.  So that's where the numbers are coming from, from. No.  

I got to get numbers. I was going to get in trouble with his own leader. I need to make this many people attend church. Oh dude. Our mission was the baptizing mission when I was out there. I understand why. With black magic. Not just the magician stuff. Kylie becomes a assistant to the president. I can tell you that none of the people I ever did magic for came to church and was converted. 

It was just because I thought you were saying it was because they were drunk. So they weren't going to remember it anyways. Like they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I guess their card and they're like, oh my God, are you Jesus? And I'm like,  Come to church and find out, you know, like,  

Yeah. No. So I never had experiences like that, but I did love to play magic tricks like that for the kids I, when I got there and it was another language like you jumped in and people, you can understand people, they can understand you for the most part. 

Yeah. I got to Chile and I didn't have a way of communicating. So I just hung out with kids and I learned Spanish from talking to kids cause they were like at art, my same level of Spanish. And since we're going to communicate well, I just played games with them. And that's how I started learning things, writing down to everything in my, in my notebook. But a funny story. 

So there was a girl in my very first area, little girl It's probably like.  And maybe she was like five or six at that time. She was obsessed with Justin Bieber, obsessed. Okay, please tell me, she thought you were Justin Bieber. So she, she loved it and she thought the song, Latin girl, like my Latin girl was about her. Oh, wow. 

She was in love with Justin Bieber. K. And because I was a little white guy out there, she's like, do you, do you know, Justin?  And I was like, oh yeah. Yeah, I know Justin really well. For sure.  And.  

And her parents were like, oh my gosh. Will we be able to call him, like, would you be able to get their number for us? And I was like, oh yeah, I could totally do that. Stop.  

And so the parents got in on this. And.  They called. Our missionary phone. And I pretended to be.  Justin beam? No, you did. I did. I pretended to be Justin Bieber. And dude. It made that girl's life. Like she was a static, so stoked, but I took it even further. Oh, no. Okay, so you sign a picture of him and bring him.  

So, so it's close to in Sheila.  


it's like the Christmas flea market. I was going to say for ourselves. Hispanic. Yeah. So during this time,  Every night during like the first three weeks of December. There's a certain road that just fills with a market like ten-plus Papa and people sell their stuff. So this family sold incredible empanadas and French fries and all these yummy, yummy things. 

But.  As I eat there and then continued walking through the Feria. Saw a towel hanging that happened to have Justin Bieber on the towel.  And so I bought that towel.  

And they signed it. Justin Bieber.  

And I gave it to her and said that Justin Bieber had sent it to her for Christmas and she was so happy. And while that was a lie, obviously. It was for like a five, six year old girl. She was so stoked. She knows she probably still has that towel probably. Oh boy. It made her so happy in her hole. Like that family loves me because of that. 

If you guys are listening, obviously this isn't in Spanish. So lo siento.  For me. Yeah. Tobacco. I spent a case didn't be in.  

But yeah, it was, that was so funny. That was, that was like the only, I would say like, oh, I did it never like told people what I was doing. And she was the only one that was out.  Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Is he laughing the whole time then too? Yeah, he thought it was so dope.  Oh, he thought it was dope. 

He wasn't just laughing at it. And he was like, oh, oh, he's such a, everybody acted like it was like,  

Everybody acted serious. Right? Because they wanted to make.  It to be real. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Hi, you're a good person. It's a good time. Oh man. Dude, that family made such good food. I ate so well. So I remember riding Kyler while he was in the MTC talking about food. He was like, oh no starving. 

My food's terrible. I eat incredible Chileans. Know how to cook. And he is good. Once you get used to Ugandan food, it's good, but it's a delicacy and it takes a while to get used to. And I dropped from like 250 pounds down to one 70. Yeah. And so I was a slim. Slim looking. Yeah. Missionary. When I came back, I So I started out. Large similar to you. And I found out before my mission, I couldn't have gluten anymore, but when it got to Chile and it's like the country that gets the second, most amount of bread of any place in the world, I was like, well, I'm going to eat bread. 

Yeah. I eat a ton of it in the beginning, all the goods.  And I ended up getting super sick. I got a kidney stone. Was sent to the hospital, got a blessing. Somehow that kidney stone disappeared. Don't know how that happened. Hm magic.  Maybe the priests is real. I don't know. I'm not vibing with that at this time in my life. 

But anyways, the whole point is I stopped eating gluten. And then I did drop away. I've got down to 1 65 before I came home. But I still eat really well. Yeah. Yeah, I remember you telling me how good you eat. And I was like, you're a son of a bitch. Do that. Yeah. That's that sounds so amazing. Yeah. 

I still want to take Kyler down there just on a food tour.  Yeah, that'd be good. So another, another good story I got from my mission. It was my, it was my third companion. And I love him to death. He's probably one of the only dudes that I still keep in contact with. Yeah. Because he's really good about calling me. 

I'm a horrible person about keeping in contact with really anyone. Yeah. But he cracked me up because he was a lot older than all of us. Yeah, he was in the Marines. He was in the Marine Corps.  And he was in the infantry.  So he was good. Yeah. But he used it in the Marine Corps. So.  I remember.  When we got our missionary packets to go to Uganda, one sheet in our packet was dedicated on how not to get diarrhea.  Because that's how often you would get diarrhea and Uganda. Gosh. And so it was like a well-known thing. 

Hey, it's no big deal. We've got this homemade Gatorade solution that we joked about that was water, sugar, sugar, salt, and you'd mix that together and you'd be fine. You'd be hydrated. And even if you had loose stool, You'd be all right.  This guy.  Thought that it would be better. To not tell anyone about it.  And so we'd probably been out for two or three weeks and he was pretty miserable.  And come to find out he had diarrhea, but I found out when I was studying. One morning personally. And all of a sudden in my, the whole apartment filled up with smoke. It's like, what the hell is going on? And I walk out the front door to find him. He was burning a cardboard box.  And he was taking the ashes from the cardboard box and mixing it into water and drinking the ashes. Trying to think of like it's an activated charcoal.  K. 

So first off. Where's this guy from. He's from Utah.  Yeah.  Yeah. So he probably grew up on like essential oils. No, no, no. I.  

Essential oil person. No, he's from a really rural part of Utah. So. It was like very rural, but it was a cardboard boxes were not wood. Yeah. So my God bless his heart. He's a stud of a dude, but it cracks me up so bad because I was like, you know, Ark. Activated charcoals from wood, right? Not from cardboard. 

Like that's just gonna make you sicker. That's not going to help you out. Yeah. And so, yeah, I mean, we went toe to toe. With each other, the first couple of weeks, because.  He was pretty stubborn and thought he was always right.  We've become really good friends since then we have some really good stories, but he cracked me up when that happened. 

I was like, I couldn't believe it. That's why I was like, no way, dude. Not drinking cardboard. I mean, so not cardboard related, but it's kind of like on the train of diarrhea. It's actually the toilet paper side of it. So my, when I, my trainer. Was exactly the trainer that I needed to like live. He was just way relaxed. 

Right? And then we had really good friends in our district with district is a group of missionaries who were working in a similarly close area. And so.  They were really close to us. Our mission was very, very small. And so we could walk across our entire air sales, one of the smallest missions in the world, wasn't it? 

Yeah. At the time it was, it was, you could cross the entire mission in 30 minutes in a car. So naturally none of us had cars. We walked everywhere. We. I jumped on a bus or the train.  But so we would walk basically every night for dinner. Cause. And chili, you eat lunch with the members. You don't eat dinner, dinner.  So basically we would not eat. Until lunch. 

And then we did a big mill with them. So we'd skipped breakfast. Or with this missionary companion was training me. We ate an entire bottle of our kind of lays Pringle style chips for breakfast. Like a full lace. Can  I have for breakfast, literally. He was like, we don't eat breakfast. We eat these while we study it, then we leave. 

If we go get lunch with the members and then at night we would.  Walk across from our area to the other area to go and eat complete those. Oh man. So we'd go get a bunch of complete those, and then we would go and play monopoly deal at the other. Elder's apartment was one completo $1 and then to complete those was yes. Dollars. 

Yes.  A hundred percent of. Yes, I do.  It's hilarious. But I couldn't get four complete those for $4. That's. There's there's no discount.  

And it always has.  


which means special three complaint does. $3, $3.  

It was so funny. But yeah,  so anyways, we get to the apartment we're playing. Cards and my companion and I had had diarrhea. For days and we were out of toilet paper. Oh no. Like we were out. And we had gotten food poisoning from some uncooked pork. 

I cannot eat pork chops at this day. Oh Oh, gosh, I'm like feeling sick, thinking about it anyways.  So we went to their place to play cards, but we stole all of this.  

We were holding like, oh, goody, we're going. And we got a call. And the other companion. My companion is the last thing was Burgess. And then the other companion Russel. Ella Russell.  Burgess.  

After you guys stole all their.  

So it was, it was a bird, just an elder Scott. And then Well, it's toilet paper on your mission of first world problem.  What do you mean? Like did the Chileans use toilet paper? Because in Africa, they don't do that sucks. Yeah. And. Africa and Africa, you don't shake left hands. Cause that's the wiping hand disgust, but they wash your hands thoroughly. 

So it doesn't smell like poop or anything like that. But.  I remember now. The first few  of course. Wait, use my hand. Yeah. No. Oh, thank God. I've got first world issues, man. I'm not using my hand. Are you kidding me? No. I I remember my first area, the branch president in the area. Super nice guy. But this was the first experience I ever had with a long drop. So in Africa. They don't have porcelain toilets.  If you have a porcelain toilet, you are super wealthy and very lucky. And if you have a porcelain long drop, like a it's basically where you stand, there's just a hole in the ground. 

Nothing to sit on, you just squat. Then you're even luckier because you have something to flush down. But most people just dig a really deep trench. And they just build up like a brick house over it. I just has it like an outhouse. It's an outhouse, but it just has a tiny little hole. How do you make it in the whole. You learn to aim with your heels buddy. Yeah. 

Yeah. So this Hill's only about the size of like,  Maybe a little bit. Maybe a little bit bigger than like an iPhone. How do they dig a hole that deep, that small? No, no, no, no, no. The hole is huge. The whole is massive. Okay. It's like a, it might be like four to six feet wide. Okay. And they built it way deep and then they put like a metal thing on top.  They don't do a metal, but they, they build above it so that you're standing over it in like a concreted.  Okay. 

Okay. Okay. Yeah. So you're not going to fall through. You're not going to fall through. Okay. I'm sure people have, but.  I wouldn't be surprised if that was a thing. But that's like, that's like the nicest thing that you can have other than just like pooping and peeing on the side of the road. So I go to my branch president's house. Like you're walking on the run. People are just taking a dub. Oh dude, listen, how this goes, man. You've gone to it's geographically about the same size, if not, a little bit smaller than Utah. Utah has like what five, 6 million people in it.  And Uganda, they have 36 to 38 million people. What, in that one country? So for two years, I never was alone. 

There was always people around like shooting in the streets. Yeah. Yeah. Girls would just hike up their skirts and squat on the side of the road and just pee or poop right there on the street. No big deal. And then like with their hand. Yeah. And then what do they do? There's nowhere to walk they're on their way. 

They'd like, Clean it off and on their way.  Clean it off with what they have water Jerry cans or whatever, or just wipe it off. I don't know. Do they use leaves? Like we were boy Scouts. We had to do stuff like that with lambs. I'd never had to do that. You never did it with lions. I've learned about it, but I never did it. 

That's gross. Oh, geez. I never been in a situation where I've had to.  Well, I know in my mission, it was never if, but when you pooped your pants, so I never did. Yeah. That was one of those times where I was like, I gotta go to the bathroom and our branch president, knowing that I was brand new to the mission and new to Africa.  Sent his kid to the shop. 

I didn't know this. He sent his kid to the shop to buy a roll of toilet paper, which was a lot of money for them.  While he was like, Yeah, my bathrooms around back. I had no idea.  And I go around back and.  I had a climb up. Like three feet. Up onto this pedestal. To then, was it enclosed or surrounded or you're just a middle, a little bit. It's an open door that goes into this. I could see you. 

No, no, no open door into the jungle. So yeah, people came around, they could see me. But there's nothing there. Okay.  Well, if you're taking a dump in there and then all sudden, like a snake comes in.  Or you see like a tiger.  

Yeah, I didn't see. I didn't really see tigers, not like that, but yeah. 

So the hardest part was learning to do it with your pants on. Cause it's not like you're going to just like strip off your pants. Like you. You would have to dry document.  

So you'd have to like gather your pants at your ankles and pull your whole panel forward and then squat down. Like you're a catcher in baseball and where your heels are, is where it goes. So you straddled this hole is this disgusting? It's not a bad, you straddle this hole and you poop right into it. But they call it a long drop because it's a long drop before it goes. 

Splat. Or they call it a long call. Did you count how long ago. No, but, but then, or they call it a long phone call, like a long call. So you'd say I got to go take a long call. They just know you're going to the bathroom. And it was super respectful. I liked it. That's funny. And Sheila and chili, they have HR. Corta and  , which is like,  Throw the short one to throw the long ones. 

So.  Yeah, I thought it was, I thought it was brilliant, but that, that one was wild learning. Glaring that for the first time, not only was I mortified because I had only grown up on porcelain, but.  It was, it was a quick lesson. Yeah, it was just like, it was just like camping. Wow. That's wild.  

I lived in a city. 

 I had hot water. All the time, except for if we ran out of propane. They had propane trucks drive around the streets and they had just bottles in the back of it and they would be super freaking loud and you go buy it from them. And you're good. We had porcelain toilets everywhere. Speaking of porcelain toilets, that same companionship of the restaurant, other Scott, other Scott's like this big tall dude. He might listen to this. 

He might not whatever. But if he does shout out. Using your story. So he 

So he's showering in the shower. That's way too small for him. Like the showers out there. We're maybe like two thirds of the length of a, of a normal shower here. And the ceilings were short. So like he took a pretty much the whole shower in, in their shower, in that apartment. They had a window that popped down. 

And so they would do that to let out the steam, cause there's no fan in his bathroom. And it was a really compact bathroom. So like it basically touching the shower is a toilet. And next to that is a sink. And then there's the doors like a typical bathroom, just much more. So Scott's cleaning.  Something happens.  

He falls and slips. He reaches up, grabs the window.  

To try and catch himself, but breaks the window out.  Falls through the curtain. The curtain and the water fall on top of him. Oh boy. He smacks the toilet. Oh no. Where that breaks and falls over.  Which hits the sink and breaks the sink, and then water's running out of the door and this companion here's this massive crash. 

Yeah. These water coming out and he said, what's happening. They have to shut off the water. And then we got a call because they needed help on like getting something to repair it. And we got to hear the whole story firsthand. And just see.  


bathroom looked like it had been renovated. Like it was just.  Because he fell out of the shower. And just ruined everything. That's a funny shower story. This is, this is my funny shower story. So one of my areas we had. You talk about how it was having hot water. We didn't like. The water would come from a giant container that was situated on the roof, if we're lucky. 

And that was gravity fed. And most of the time it was ice cold. And it was so miserable. But in this one area that I served in, we had a water heater attached to the shower head. And so like water and  electrical really should not go together. No. But it was, and it was Africa. None of us knew what we were doing. 

So. It was like a big shower room. And I thought I would like, you know, speed up the process one morning while I was getting ready. And I figured I'd like, do some exercises and stretches while I was in the shower. To like, just get, just get it all done with and move on with my day. And I remember I was, I was doing that like lean over to work my obliques in the shower and just like stretch this way. 

Yeah. And I reached my hand up. And I hit the shower head and I get electrocuted.  And so. And so I'm sitting there naked in the shower.  And I get electrocuted by the shower head. It was just like a zap and it just blew my hand away. And I was like, whoa. And I looked back at the shower head. I was like, did that really just happen? So you touched it again. Wait.  Oh, my God. I look up at the shower head, right. 

And I start going to touch it. And then I'm like, what am I thinking? It already shocked me once. I'm not going to touch it again. So I was like, now I know. I'm good, you know, whatever. And you know, me very well and you know that I don't have much of a filter and I like to speak my mind and be authentic with people. I sit down and companionship study that day was my companion. 

And I'm like, Hey man, I got to tell you this funny story while I was in the shower today. And he was like, where's this going? And I was like,  I got electrocuted.  And he starts laughing. He goes. Do that happened to me last week. I was like, what? You got to like the key to, to, and he goes, yeah, man, he goes, did you touch it again? 

I was like, 

 I said, no, I didn't touch it again. He goes, oh, I did.  You got to let you to twice, dude.  In the NTC, there's literally a video showing you the different type of water heating systems across the country in the world. And shows you a video of those electrical ones that says don't touch it. Okay, but you were in Provo. 

I was in South Africa. We didn't have that tutorial to prepare us for what we were going into. That's funny. In fact, I remember flying to my mission, so I didn't even touch pro bowl. I went, I had a name tag, they said, throw it on your suit. Go drop you off at salt lake. And then I started meeting missionaries as I started flying out and we realized that we were all going the same place. 

The very first leg of my trip was from salt lake to Chicago. And when we flew to Chicago, elder 

Who's the, who's the one that everyone's always afraid of. All-in yes. Elder Holland was on that flight. Which was crazy because we knew at least for that first leg, all of us were thinking, no, this plane isn't going down.  There was missionaries that were going to Africa and then a whole bunch that were going to Italy and they had just gotten out of the MTC. 

And you could tell the drastic difference, like, yeah, they were like into their tackle box.  Yeah, they were just like studying like crazy and. And we were a bunch of brand new bunking kids that didn't know where we were doing. And we we ended up landing in London and we had a 13 hour layover. And I had that in the airport for 13 hours. 

Yeah. Cause I was too scared to go outside the airport. Yeah, wander around. So yeah, we just sat there for the layover and I, and my, one of my friend's moms gave me like a hundred pass along cards. And so we divvied them up and went like pass along cards to people in the airport.  And it was the worst because we had no training or experience in anything. So I remember one. It was just by myself. 

Like we didn't have companions. So I just, I saw this guy like looking at airplanes outside the window, like leaning up against the rail. So I go up and I lean up against the rail next to him, like, wow, that's pretty cool airplane. He's like, yeah, it is. And I was like, anyway, you ever heard about the Lord, Lord and savior Jesus Christ and handed him a pass on card is like, if you want to know more, there's a website on there.  We pass that all the pass along cards. Oh,  that's so crazy. Oh, do. It was so bad. But I tell this story because the flight that I took from London to South Africa,  It was like a 13 hour flight. 

And we were like somewhere over Angola, middle of nowhere, Africa. And that was where the first time it clicked in my brain.  That I was gone. And I was not coming back for two years. And I remember, I remember distinctly waking up from an app. I missed the food cart, so I missed a meal. Yeah, plain. So I was starving. 

Yeah. And I was just like, what am I doing?  And I remember then that I, I just opened up my handbook cause I was really into music and singing and whatnot. And I was just like, you know, Point me in the right direction. And the S. The song that I opened up to is I'll go where you want me to go. Yeah, and I just started, I just sat there and cried because I was just like, I have no, I'm so hungry. I'm have no idea what I'm doing. 

I'm not going to see my family for two years. My dad's super sick. Like. I had no idea what to expect and it was just hold on a realm. So yeah. No, I didn't, I didn't touch pro I don't know what I was about. We had 24 missionaries and my MTC, if I remember correctly, And that was the first time that we ever fasted for like a true 24 hours. 

Dang. Cause they, we only had one little cafeteria. They had shut that down. They shut off the water fountain. They shut off the vending machines. Like we had no access to anything. Holy cow. Yeah. It was a rough. Wow. Rough fasting.  Yeah, I dang.  You're talking about your travel to gone to. So when we traveled to from the MTC, you're in MTC for three months, and then traveling to Chile before I got like, right. 

I forgot my call. I looked up chili and I'm just seeing like beautiful skyscrapers, like super clean, super nice has the largest pool in the entire world of like,  Cool. We're going to a really nice place. It's gonna be dope. So we fly there. We land, we land in the city. We get in the car ride. It's nice. 

It was really cool. We go meet the president. All these things. It's like, okay, that's nice. Not too bad. And then I get sent to my area.  And point out though, which I am obsessed with. Point out. I love. That area. That's where I was basically my whole mission. But I got on the train and as the train ride goes, I'm leaving this beautiful city.  The ability to start getting smaller and smaller and smaller. 

And I see. Start seeing 10 roofs that are rusty and I'm like, holy crap, what is happening? And then I get off of the train. And there's like,  In my mind at that moment. It's like hundreds of just stray dogs that had made.  All of them. And I was just in my mind. What just happened. I was just up there and it was really nice. 

And my buddy just got called there and there with like millionaires that have moved here from other countries. And I'm down here.  With dogs with mange and I was terrified of dogs. Still am got chased in that area that I went to that first one, there was a dog whose name was nicknamed Louie, which was worked for Lucifer. The devil because he only attacked missionaries.  You would walk by it and this black dog just straight black dog would book out of nowhere and chase you with just foaming at the mouth, like ready to kill you. 

That's hilarious. And it was so scary and it's no wonder you lost weight on your mission. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. So you'd have you pretend to pick up a rock and most dogs would write. He wouldn't really scary. A junkyard dog. Oh my gosh. Yeah, but that was my experience. I was like, oh yeah, it's not nice. 

Not too bad. And then I get there and it was scary, but I adapted super fast. It's really not that bad, especially here when you guys had like, oh yeah, I had it. Great. I love again. I would probably move back to the area. I love it. Point the out though is also known as point this Southville. And chili, which is like a salt bridge, like. Yeah, the point up to the point of assault. So it is known for being a, kind of a more dangerous area, but I, I never felt like super at risk or anything. But that's a. You also grew up with a dad who was a cop, so yeah, so I had a little bit street smart. There's definitely companions. 

I was like, Dude, we should not walk down this pitch-black alley right now. That makes no sense.  Or, yeah, we probably shouldn't knock on that door. Yeah. In fact one time. Okay, I'm going to share this. This is an a second area. We go to this lady's house. We've never met. We're just knocking doors. Cause we're missionaries. 

That's what we do. We actually didn't do that a lot in our mission. But we did this time.  And this lady comes out and she is screaming at us. And we're just like what's happening. And she points like this graffiti across the street and says, I've talked to your people before and then they went up and they mess with me and they put that graffiti up over there. 

And because. Oh, like blaming all these things are screaming at us. We're like, okay. I'm sorry.  And then out of nowhere, she says, come on in.  And I'm just like, no, I'm good. My companion. Okay. I'm like, shit, dude. Come on. We go in.  And. But before we do, we always had to be that there was always at least. A man and a woman inside this house. 

Is this the craziest story you told me? Yeah. Okay. And because we didn't want to get accused of like sexual harassment or whatever. Right. So. So she says, I am the one who's in charge of this whole, like, I'm the one that wears the pants essentially. And in Spanish. Yeah. And the technically says I am. She said, I'm the one that.  Commands. And I don't know exactly how it translates. And he was like, alright, cool. 

I don't really care.  Is he here and she's like, yeah, he's taken a nap in the back. All right. Cool. So we go in. We sit down on the couch and there's stuffed animals spread everywhere, everywhere. And we look around, right. Oh, wow.  A lot of stuffed animals and she says, these are my kids or. These are my children. 

And we're like, okay, second or third red flag by now. Exactly. Okay. Cool. And then my companion is like, Hey, I need to use the restroom. And she's like, okay, I'll show you. And so in a mission you're supposed to like follow your penny. But she said that this, like, if they're going to the bathroom is not typically a big deal, but this one was outside of the house. 

And so we had to go in order to get there. We had to walk through her bedroom where the husband was going to be sleeping. Through the kitchen and then out the back. As we walk through the bedroom, there is a giant stuffed animal. And as we walk by it, she says, this is my husband.  

And at this point, we're like, oh crap, we're breaking mission rules. We're going to hell because they're breaking mission rules. But she's getting weird and she's going to cook you into a station. Exactly. We'd go out the back.  And there's these two buildings. One is a bathroom. The other one looks mysterious as all get out. And first off, I'll say, when we walked in the doors, like as soon as we entered those doors, There was like this overwhelming dark energy. W do they have like Santeria and Chile? I what's that like the like, oh, maybe it's more of a, a Mexico thing. 

It's like a, it's like a religion. Like witchcraft has got it. Yeah, I don't know. I could be wrong if I'm misappropriating. I apologize. I don't know. So we entered it in the house and like immediately, like I just felt like.  Tanked. I don't know how to explain it, but like, you go from a place it's called a twist. 

It's dark and just like immediately or like hot and it's immediately like, oh, Hmm. Like that's kind of how it felt. Then we go out and I'm looking at the shed and I'm like, what's in there. It doesn't matter. And I was like, okay. And it straight up looks like a place where like a serial killer. I don't know, I'm probably making this all up. 

Right. But my. She's probably a murderer. It's possible. So my companion goes to the bathroom and she's like, here, come in with me. I'm like, no, I'm going to wait here with him. We go in and there's like all these bottles hanging everywhere and she's let me get you a drink from the fridge. She brings it into us. 

We sit down. I'm like, we should probably go. She's like, no, no, no. My parents, like, no, we haven't even shared a lesson yet. I'm like, dude, you're not feeling this. We're not getting this bro. And so she brings out these drinks and meet our tongues numb.  I don't know why we drank them. Yeah. I only took like a sip and he just down his, am I on? Yeah, you got, you got someone. 

Have you seen the gun on Tik TOK that runs around with a red flag? Yeah. Yeah, that guy's cracked me up, but that guy was, should have been running around through your head. Hey. He should have. I don't drink the serial killers, mystery, mystery potion. Exactly. There's only a couple of times. I'm like, I'm going to die right now. 

This is one of them. And then he proceeds to give this whole lesson and then we end with a prayer.  And we start saying the prayer and she starts like chanting. During the prayer.  And I'm just like, dude, we're getting a curse on us right now. We're getting a curse put on us. What's happening. We get up. 

We leave. And she's like, so when you're coming back and I know we're not going back never. And so I get some black magic.  

Our schedule is pretty swamped. Like We'll swing by when we can, but we just wanted to share this lesson with you today. And she says tomorrow at like four o'clock, like, she gives us like a date and time. Like, you'll be here. McCann's like, okay, we'll see you then.  K. And I just think like, it's like mutually agreed upon that. 

We're not going back that day. Like again, The next day, the next day. The companions, like let's go see that. It's time for our platelets. So, and so I'm like, dude, we're not going to that. Are you kidding? He's like, why am I. Bro. One, there's not a man in the house to she'd lied to us about it. Three, did you not feel how weird that was? 

And lastly, you're going to be ended up in her secret dungeon. Yeah. Anyways. So that was, that was a wild story. There's so many different, funny, crazy stories you could share. Oh, that's the best part. I mean there there's, it's a whole nother world, a whole nother realm. And. And we had a lot of fun doing it. 

So I mean, you, you guys will hear a lot more stories and feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments or anything you want to hear us talk about. We're more than happy to talk about anything and. As a will. We'll keep going through just about everything. Yeah, we should definitely do some more of these. 

This is fun. Yeah. Reminiscing like.  Those two years of our lives framed a lot of who we are today, while we may not be in the same thoughts spiritually or religiously. It still has a huge impact on our lives and there was good and bad parts of it. And so we'll talk about all of it. But there's some really funny stories. 

There's some. Ghost stories. There's some weird things to talk about, but you know, if you want to know, we can, we can share more, but we really appreciate you all taking the time to listen to us. Is there any other funny story you wanna share? K. Now we'll wrap it up for today. I know that there. We could, we could keep going for hours. 

So just, just feel free to reach out to That's a T H E E Y E.  L E R where you can also find us on Facebook and Instagram under the Isler perspective. If you have any questions, hit us up  . and love to talk to  you more.