The Eye-ler Perspective
Join Kyler and Tyler, as we discuss paradigm shifts, religion, work, family, total BS, and how every experience alters perspective. You can't see tomorrow through yesterday's eyes.
The Eye-ler Perspective
14 - Happy Little Accidents: take 2
episodio de El Isler Perspective. Wow, that was pretty cool. Yeah, that same thing but in English. Welcome to the Isler Perspective. Let's get into this. All right, everybody. So I had to start that intro like that because I really just wanted to see what Kyler's reaction was. Sometimes I actually do that to Reed when he's being a punk or whatever. I'll just start rambling off in Spanish and drives him crazy. But today we want to talk a little bit about Some personal revelations that we've had that have shifted or changed our perspective. But today before we dive into, I want to talk a little bit about snowboarding. I just went snowboarding today. It's May 6th. There was 12 inches of fresh powder and it was incredible. There's something that happens when you go snowboarding that you just kind of everything around you just disappears. All your stress, all your anxiety, the world disappears and it's just you. You're bored. The mountain, the fresh air and the snow. And when I was a kid, I used to imagine what it would be like to be able to run on clouds or like surf on clouds, right? You'd see these in cartoons. It's A powder day is that, and a lot of new snowboarders and skiers, they hate powder days because it's hard. But once you learn how to ride on it, it is the most freeing experience for your mind. Body and soul it is just so amazing and I just had to get that out because I Am just on cloud nine today from that. Well, totally I mean with this snowfall that just came by I couldn't believe What the powder looked like up on the mountains? I mean, I am not a winter sports person but that's mostly because I don't have good enough clothes to like enjoy winter sports But I remember one time going snowboarding on a powder day and it was the coolest because we built this crazy jump And we had like this, almost like a mile long track that led to this jump that ended on the side of this mountain. That's just straight powder. And you could take the jump however you wanted because it really didn't matter how you landed. It was just going to be sweet. Yeah. So much fun. Oh, it's so fun. And it feels, it just feels so good. John Simpkins and I, him and I were riding buddies all through middle school and a gnarly powder day at Sundance. We did a similar thing. We built this little jump, went over this pine tree and then down this little cliff thing. And I'm always the person who is going to go check things out first, watch a few people go first before I do anything. John goes, it launched him cause we had the lips so steep. It flipped him upside down and he landed upside down in the snow and I was laughing my butt off and he was buried. I had to, I had to hurry and go down there and dig them out. But he wasn't hurt. He just fully sent it. Yeah, full send. That's, that's John. He will full send everything. But dang, we always forget to turn off that chime. Sorry listeners for that chime. I had it turned off. It's weird. So, okay, back to personal revelations and experiences. It kind of changed our perspectives. Sure. I have a couple but one really big one for me. Oh, sorry. Before you go into that, I wanted to make that comment that, you know, nature brings that out of us. Oh my gosh. There's something, and I know both of us experienced that when we went to Timberline, that there was just something, and I keep using this word, but it's a word that I find so impactful. It's just ethereal. Just meaning like it's spiritual on another level. Like it's completely vibing with your persona, but there's something about nature, man. Whether we're out camping. Or I'm out hunting or you're out snowboarding, like whatever it may be. There's just like a certain calm or like resonation that hits on a whole nother level. It's just like our frequencies are in tune with nature. And once you find that bliss, it's almost like, Oh, what's that? What's they call it? Like, not like a cloud nine, but like what's like that heaven that people talk about that. It's just like, Ecstasy? No, not Not sy psilocybin? No, no, not any of that stuff. Cannabis. Nope. It's just euphoric. Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. There we go. So just a pure euphoria. Yeah. So like, yeah, it's psychedelic in nature, but without chemicals. Yeah. It's just like this euphoric experience where you're just like totally in the moment and you're just loving it. Mm-Hmm. and I, I mean, I had. When I was hunting once it was so silent and the only time I ever heard silence like that was when I was caving But it was so silent. I was like, there's no birds chirping. There's no wind in the trees. There's just nothing It was just me the mountains my firearm Nothing. It was awesome. And it was just like so peaceful but resonating like it brought me back to earth. Yeah So I feel like that's the same way with you and like snowboarding. It just levels you out. Dude, I need to take you cross country skiing. It sounds horrible, but it's, it's really very easy. That's why I like it is it's easy, like energy exertion wise. It's easy, but you go out there and snow is an insulator, right? And so you hear. It's just dead silent. You can hear tree branches and you could hear like almost like every single time a clump of snow falls off the tree branch, you hear it. You hear little squirrels, like you hear all those tiny sounds, but it's just so silent and peaceful. And I think that's something that I fully comprehended. After I stepped away from the church. I always knew it right. I always knew that mountains were my happy place I always knew I was having a spiritual experience there, but I was tied it with like Oh, I was baptized at eight. And so because of that I have the Holy Ghost and I feel these things sure But now that even though I don't Do everything to the T like I was taught to do in church to have the Holy Ghost as that gift And if I didn't do it, it was gone. I still feel that. Yeah, like it's still there and everybody has it. Yeah I've talked with friends who obviously aren't Mormon never even Stepped inside of a church and they've had similar experiences and felt similar things. And so that is Something that when I go into the mountains I can meditate Just by walking and I have those connections, I have those promptings, I have that guidance that I used to receive from the Holy Ghost. Yeah, totally. I mean, one of the experiences that I had this was just in the last year and a couple months. I was, and it was one of those times where I felt like I was actually having like a a memory from like a past life regression type thing. Yeah. But my brother for my 31st birthday and as like a, which is my, which was my golden birthday since I was born on the 31st of December. Ask me where in the world I wanted to go. And I told him I wanted to go to Norway. The world is Carmen, San Diego. Yeah, exactly. Did you ever play that game? No. Oh shit. But I know which one you're talking about. I just never played it. Okay. But he was like, where do you want to go? And I was like, I want to go to Norway because our family has Scandinavian heritage. So like, sure, let's go, you know, and went on an awesome trip, but I still have the background of my like work computer and whatnot is the. a place in Flom, Norway, where we spent like two or three days, which in the off season for the tourist time is like the worst thing you can do because Flom is like, I think there's like 30 people maybe that live in Flom and like, they're all, that also sounds amazing. It is amazing, but they're all like the shopkeepers and everyone does like all the jobs, you know. But it's really cool to be there in the off season because there's nobody else there There's no cruise ships or nothing So it's almost like we have the place to ourselves and we got to know everyone in the city really well really quickly Because we were there for so long, but there's one there's one moment where we were sitting by the fjord and it was arlen's fjord And it's this beautiful place where the cliffs just dive straight into the water and they said the water At its depth was almost as high Maybe Or almost one and a half times as high as the peak wow, which was like 800 meters Wow, and so it was like a huge peak that just crashed right down into the water and then it was just extremely deep water where they have Whales and all sorts of other stuff swim up into this fjord. Wow, but it was neat because as i'm sitting there on this bench You know, I had it was cold. It was the middle of like norwegian winter But I had the Sun on my back and I just felt warm I was in a short sleeve shirt. Mm hmm. And as I sat there and just meditated there was Ravens flying around us and they were landing in the trees and they're really cool I like to joke with my brother and said they looked like they were wearing gray coats But then we listened to rock slides come down the canyon and we saw avalanches come down off the mountains into the fjord and it was just like It was just like so raw in that nature that it felt like I had been there before It's so cool I, that's why I love camping. So a lot of people, right, there's, there's jokes like, why would you go and spend all this money to go stay in a tent in the dirt and lay on the ground when I can, you know, I bought a home, I can go sleep in my own bed. It's different. Like when you're at home, there's house sounds, there's creaking from the house, right? There's road or people driving us. There's all these other things that when you go camping, And you're far away camping. You're not camping just like a community campground with 20 generators going. I hate that worst turn off your generators. You don't need them anyways. But when you go, like you said, hunting, like you're going deep into the mountains, you can lay there and you can hear the deer walking around your tent. You get to hear the elk doing their mating calls. You get to hear all these things and the bugs. You just get to hear all the bugs. And it's peaceful for me. And like you said, it's like you've been there before. It's like you're part of it. And I don't know how we were created. I don't know what we're made of. It's all a big confusing thing, right? With our speculations of all this, but nobody truly has a hundred percent definitive answer. But I feel like when I go into the mountains or I go paddle out into the ocean, I feel connected to all of it. In some way that's almost indescribable, but it, it recharges me and teaches me. Yeah. I just had this revelation. I feel like when you're like, like you're saying in the ocean or up in the mountains or out in nature camping, I feel like the reason why it's like refreshing or reenergizing or like a reset is because you're in the moment, like everything else is pilled aside. Like you, you could be on your phone in the ocean, But it's best you're not. Yeah. And you're like in the moment on the, on the, on the mountain. When you're snowboarding, you're in the moment. You can't be, you know, doing something while you're snowboarding. And so it's like that moment where you get a disconnect from all the crap that's around us and you just get to be in the moment. And when you're in that moment and nothing else matters, I feel like that's when you get this true peace and calm and like this relaxing thing. So you're telling me about this really cool revelation that you had. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, honestly, it kind of ties to all of this that we've been talking about, right? There's moments in our lives that stack together and form us who we are in these experiences. And there's things that happened to the earth and the environment before we came. And it all just kind of is a part of the journey and experience of our life. Things that our ancestors did. Anyways, all these things tie together. So there was a moment where I My wife was driving me, driving us home, and I looked out the window of our car, and I looked at the clouds, and I kid you not, all the clouds, every cloud I looked at looked like something very defined, right? Like a very clear Pirate ship, very clear giraffe, right? All these different animals and figures. I was seeing presidents, right? All these things in the clouds, like extremely detailed. And then I just started laughing at myself, like, obviously the clouds aren't that. And then I started kind of processing and looking at it. And the reason why I was seeing these things is my eyes, instead of just seeing one cloud, were able to process all the different clouds that were stacked behind it. And it made it sort of look like this. Like a figure like the layers, right? Like the layers. Exactly. Yeah. And so as you go through life and you have these different experiences, your eyes are opened to be able to see different aspects and different points of view. I then looked over at the mountains and there were, it was a beautiful scene, right? Yeah. But I recognize that there were layers right there is a mountain closer to the front and then further back and further back and further back and it was more beautiful because it had all these shadows that had these trees that had a little bit of snow on one and it just kind of brought everything together and then as I process that just like you said, the layers. I said, Oh my gosh, Bob Ross is a genius. Yeah. Okay. Because there's no mistakes, right? Even though there's parts of your life that are shit. Sometimes, sometimes there's great things. Sometimes there's horrible moments out in the community around you and the environment around you. But all of it is a part of the overall big picture as you go through your life, you need to go through various experiences that you might not even know you need to go through. But at the end of your life, when somebody looks at your experience, it's going to be a beautiful tapestry that has been a compilation of all of your layers. Bob Ross starts with his monochrome white or whatever it's called and he puts it on the very back and then he does a couple Of squiggles and then he does some lines and you're just like what is this dude doing? And something looks not so good. He's like, hey, no worries. There's there's just happy little accidents Yeah, and then at the end when you look at it, it's a beautiful waterfall with a cabin and these beautiful trees and bushes and it's incredible and that's your life and that was my my revelation is that You Everything you're going through in life is for a reason. And it is creating your beautiful tapestry. Even if you don't recognize it. And, you're gonna love it. Did you know that not everyone can see shapes and animals and stuff in clouds or in mountains? It's actually called pareidolia, which is a psychological phenomenon where we see recognizable shapes in clouds, rock formations, or otherwise unrelated objects or data. So it's kind of cool that you're saying that you're seeing like pirate ships and presidents and stuff because not everyone can do that. But like you said, like when you notice Our lives are a culmination of, you know, tragedies, good times, all that stuff. And even the stuff that really seems huge in the moment is nothing in the long run. And it becomes a happy accident. It reminds me just this last week, Maddie and I went on a date night and we went to a brand new art studio in Springville over in container village. Highly recommended. It was so much fun. Okay. But we went to this art studio, And it was like that where they just were like, Hey, just do this. And they just walked you through everything and they told you what to do. And to be honest, I felt like I was messing everything up. Yeah. And I was like, there's no way this looks good. I'm messing it all up. And by the end of it, I looked back, took a step back and looked at it. And I had painted delicate arch that's Southern Utah. And. I'm not saying I'm the best artist in the world. In fact, I'd say I'm the worst, but it was awesome. And I felt like accomplished by it and it was a really sweet painting. So I was just like, dang, okay, it's cool. Yeah. We definitely need to do that again because it was so much fun to do it before. So that's awesome. It really, it just comes where you put your focus right in life, where you put your focus and effort and attention is what you're going to see. And hang on, right? So if you are stuck on something that you did 10 years ago and you can't get your mind off of it, that's where you're going to be. If you can only look at the cloud that's at the front and you can't process the clouds behind it, you're not going to see those shapes. You're going to see the cloud in the front and say, I don't get what you're seeing. Yeah. Because you're only seeing what's right in front of you. Yeah. You got to kind of look outside of the box and, and have a look. I think that's where optimism and hope comes in, right? Because it's easy to focus on what's happening right now. But that optimism that hope or faith as some people call it is what allows you to paint that bigger picture That's why religion's helpful to some is they can say, okay, this is the picture and i'm just going through this journey But if you don't know your picture at the end, it's really hard for some people to be able to look From that side perspective. Yeah, absolutely. I was gonna, I was gonna show you the picture that I painted. Oh, yeah. So you could see it. I know nobody else can see it. Dude, that's great. But it's crazy, right? Yeah. Like, that's actually not bad. No, not bad at all. Like, it's alright. So, I'll have to throw it up on our social medias when we put this episode out, but like I said, it's not amazing, but I'm not a painter. I've never, like, really been into painting, so I felt pretty accomplished when I did that. Yeah. I forgot where I was going with this. Oh, yeah. You're talking about how we need to step back and refocusing and how You know some people rely on that faith or being able to know what the future looks like I like the idea of uncertainty You Because it gives me the opportunity to live and paint my picture the way I want it right now. I don't have to, I don't have to hope that my picture looks a certain way and I don't have to worry about it being perfect. And that's one of the big things that I think a lot of people get hung up on is this perfection aspect. And I think that's why a lot of people, unlike Bob Ross, can't get over when something doesn't work out perfect. I know that's why I'm a good piano player because I, I'm so hyper fixated on being perfect. That if I hit a wrong note, I can't I personally cannot go on with the song Yeah, I have to fix the note like the people who are good piano players can play through the mistakes And it's it's almost entirely unnoticeable And the people like bob ross who are experts at what they do They might have made a mistake, but it's not a mistake. Yeah, it's a happy little accident Mm hmm, and it's happy and it's small and it's insignificant because in the grand scheme of things When you pull back and look at it as a whole, it's incredible Yeah, and I think that's one of the big big revelations I think you had when you came up with this Bob Ross revelation was the fact that you know All of us have little hang ups little things about ourselves that we don't like You Or little things that we wish we could change, but in the grand scheme of things, when you zoom out, it's really not that big of a deal. Yeah, yeah. But it takes effort, it takes work to get your brain to do that and process that. When you mentioned music and have to stop and go back and fix it, You instantly threw me back to sixth grade and typing class. Oh, dude. I was a perfectionist and she would say, just type. If you make a mistake, you recognize you make a mistake, just keep going. You're going to get fast by keeping on going and you can make the, fix the mistakes later. Right. But go and just type it all through. And I, man, it was a struggle. But when she was right, when you could go ahead and just keep moving on, you were faster and it would dock you points for, for errors. But If you could just move past it, you would end up doing better, and you would likely not make the same mistake anymore. If you made it over and over again, you kind of learned what you were doing wrong, and you could correct your mistake. For me, I do not like pushing shift with my right hand. In fact, to this day, I still don't do it. I only shift with my left, I believe. I only shift with my left, too, I think. Yeah, but if I could shift with my right, it would make life a lot easier in typing, but I just don't. I only shift left. Yeah, I have no idea. I have to think about that now. Yeah, how wild yeah, it's just one of those things is it just goes to show you that like, you know, you just need to Have the bigger picture in mind And I think some of those times you need that reset where you can just go to nature or get disconnected from all that's dragging you down and getting you like Too hyper fixated. I I always like to do this with myself when I start to feel like really stressed or I start to have A lot of anxiety in a certain aspect. I sit there and I go, Oh, this is just a later Kyler problem. Like, is this, is this warranting me to put this much emotion and effort into this right now? No, no, I can worry about this later. This is what I like to call a later Kyler problem. And later Kyler can deal with that. And it's, and it's helped me because it's helped me keep that, that perspective of, yeah, we're going to just pull back and, and worry about what's actually important rather than what seems to be the most important at that time. Right? Yeah, I, as I kind of think about those moments where you're alone in your thoughts or by yourself or even with other people and you're just having deep thought, you can really have. Insights and inspiration that are so unique for you, but might even be helpful for others, right? But I think I Don't know if there's a God or not. I want to believe that there's a God, right? And I don't know how this world would have been created without it and how there's so many things like for me It proves that there is a God. I Don't know if there's a religion that actually knows who that entity is You Or the story about it at all, but I think that we all have a connection with that deity and we can all have experiences in Revelation directly to us. If I was a god and I had created this world and I had all these, you know, different children here and maybe, maybe they don't even think of us as children. I don't know, but for my mind to process I'm thinking of it as we're, you know, children to this deity in a sense. Obviously they're gonna talk to each one of their kids. They're not gonna say, hey I made you but you have to talk to me through Juan. No, right? I'm going to talk directly to my kid. I'm not going to say, Hey, read. If you want to talk to me, you can only talk to me through your mom and then I'll respond to your mom. Then your mom will tell you. No. God's going to talk to you directly. God talks to each of us individually and directly. And some people might have that experience while they're walking through a city. I don't know how. I hate cities. But some people love them. And maybe it's because they feel those experiences. My wife loves feeling the energy from all the other people that are moving around her. I hate it. I want to be far away from everybody. And that's why I connect. And I feel those experiences. But all of us are capable of it. Yeah I was i've been re watching the television series peeky blinders. Okay, which is good and bad I mean everyone will have their own perspective on it, but it was funny because one of the episodes I recently watched Thomas shelby the main character in it He says this really interesting line and this is gonna offend a lot of people maybe But it's a really interesting line and I thought it was kind of funny, but it said all religion Is a foolish answer to a foolish question Hmm And I mean, I'm right there with you. And I think everything you said was probably, and I almost made this joke earlier, but it's probably the most pagan thing you've ever said. Because I mean, my thoughts of paganism is just the fact that you are open to allowing everyone to worship how, where, what, who they may, as long as it helps them to be a better person. And you expect yourself to be able to have that same connection with deity In whichever way that's personal for you But you're not going to change anyone and nobody's going to change you and I think you're I think you hit the nail right on the head that You know religion or god or whatever it may be has the ability to Talk directly to you and it's something that's highly individualized That can't be found in one You Organize religion, like I'm sure everyone that has their religions out there that's listening to this. I'm not trying to bag on everyone's religion. If your religion makes you be a better person and you love it and you're living it and you're happy with it. Kudos to you. I hold space for you. I am proud of you and I think you should continue on with what makes you happy. I'm not trying to tell anyone they need to change or that their religions are wrong. Because whatever your pathway is to God, as long as you're a good person, that's all that I care about. I really couldn't give a shit which religion you belong to, so long as, at the end of the day, you're real. And that's the people that I end up insulating myself with, are people who are authentic and genuine, and see you beyond your façade, and beyond Whatever words you want to use to characterize who you are if that makes sense. Yeah, like one of the big things I feel like is human nature Is to divide into separate camps of like mindedness And then rebel or fight against each other. We see it politically. We see it religiously We see it with sports teams. We see it with cities like you could live in a city and you have pride in that city. And just cause you have pride in that city, you hate the other cities around you just because they're not your city. Yeah. Springville sucks and pay some blows and that's why Spanish fork is so windy. But the thing is, but the thing is that in the end those things are just dividing us so that we can't be one. And the whole point is for us to be one. And one of the things that I learned in hermetic philosophy was that if God created us, right? If there's a supreme being of the universe and he's created all of us, no matter your background, your history, your religion, your political views, when you shed all that away, each different piece is a piece of God. Like you said in the Bob Ross revelations, when you see a Bob Ross painting, there's a piece of Bob Ross in that painting. Like you might look at that painting and not go, Oh. Oh, that's, that's Bob Ross. Exactly. Cause obviously it's not a self portrait of him, but he puts a lid of himself into the painting. You can see those paintings and you know, that was Bob Ross or that was inspired by his style. Exactly. And so the beautiful thing that I learned in hermetic philosophy was the fact that if God created us and each one of us is created by God, when we get to know people outside of our particular sect or whatever we want to identify ourself as city, your state, your city, your state, your religion, your country, whatever you want to identify as. When you get to know people all the way around in this giant circle of humankind, you actually get a more clear and obvious picture of who God is. And that's what was really blown my mind as of recent because I've studied a lot of different religions. In fact, right now I'm studying, studying about the Kabbalah, which is mystic Judaism, which is really neat. But the point is, is that the all encompassing humankind, when we learn about each one of us individually and not just hyper fixate in one section, we actually get to know God better. Yeah. And that's been kind of like my, my purpose in life is to not only know who I am, you know, know thyself. But also learn who God is to me and how I can best know myself to do my duty to help other people. Yeah. And some people hearing this will think, well, you knew and you gave it up, right? You, you had that answer and you gave it up. But the thing is, we all deserve to have that personal relationship and knowledge for yourself and not have to rely on taking somebody else's word for it. I had a real sent to me the other day and I'm going to botch what it said, but it's basically like, it kind of reminds me actually what my cousin said on my, my dad and, and step mom's podcast. He said, you know, I stopped trying to put a name and identify like what God was and just went with it and recognize that it exists. Right. I wasn't trying to say who God was. Or what religion he was a part of, just that it exists, and I'm gonna worship him in the best way I can. The same, it was, the, the real was basically saying, you know, some people call it prayer, some people call it meditation, some people call it the secret or manifestation, but nobody denies that it exists. Right? There are things that are beyond our current knowledge state, But I believe one day we will get there to understand how A god could create things like this and maybe that's what we're witnessing with AI, right? One of our recent episodes talking about AI Well mankind's essentially becoming a god and at what point is AI going to expand and then we became gods What if that's exactly what happened to create us, right? And so all I'm saying is if AI becomes a god, then I expect it to be able to create for us lightsabers pretty damn quickly because I would trade my duty gun in for a lightsaber so quickly, I think, I think you'd be so sweet if AI just got us to the point that not only could we travel the universe, but that there could be legitimate Jedi, but which kind of lightsaber, the one where they slice the person in half and they disappear. Or the one where they slice their arm off and their arm just, they're still there. You know, that's a good point. But yeah, I, I, I really think that there's a lot going on around us that we don't understand. And if you can allow yourself, I, I think it comes down to control. If you can allow yourself to not have control, to not feel like you have to grasp onto this reality in existence. The moment that you allow yourself to step over the edge, your brain will teach you and show you things that you never know or knew could exist, where you will receive that communication with whatever power it is. Maybe God is just yourself, and it's just that part of your brain you don't normally access. I don't know, again. The power of consciousness. Yeah, just let go. Allow. The teachings to come don't grasp on what you a hundred percent think is reality because it might not be this could be a simulation It could be wild. It feels the matrix. Yeah, I just had to take a pill to find out. Yeah, I Took something the other day that caused me to fall in a loop of thoughts And I kept being confused about where I was because it just kept repeating, but it felt like almost like a different reality that I was going through over and over and over and over again. And the thought came to me, well, what if there are other realities of me? What if that moment I was dropping into those other realities and seeing it because that's why it was so weird? I don't know, but it was a moment where I was able to let go and feel that experience of Possible existences beyond us that might be all together, right? We might be all existing in the same plane or the same earth, but maybe we're in different planes. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I totally think that I think it's I think it's very important to to recognize the level of control that we don't have. And that's where I really enjoyed Stoic philosophy because that was the teachings of being able to accept things as they are and as they are coming at you that the only thing you truly have effect over is what you can control. And the only thing that you can control is yourself. Like you can control your emotions, you can control your thoughts, you can control your actions. Things you can't control, you know. Sicknesses. You know, you randomly get sick. You might get cancer. You can't control death. Death happens to everyone. You can't control car accidents. You know, things just happen, but recognizing it and taking that step back and seeing the happy accidents, the happy little accidents you're able to Live. I think you're able to live a more full and happier life. Like that's one of those things that I feel like as soon as I stepped away from my box or my cubicle of preconceived thought, I was truly free to see how good of a human being I was without any rules or regulations guiding me that I didn't have to live by rules or regulations to be a good person. and that I was enough in the current state that I am in and that, you know, whatever deity or future that may come, I'm going to be okay. I'm going to make it, you know, there's no like bar that you have to jump over. Yeah. You were, and this is one thing that I told a lot of my friends. Yeah. This is one of the things I told a lot of my friends are like, you are perfect just the way you are now. And if you don't like who you are you change it no one else gets to dictate this This is only you and that's one big thing. I talked about with drug addicts and with criminals It's like nobody can get them to change until they make the choice that they want to change Once that happens then true change can come about. Yeah, but it's not an it's not an outward effect on them That forces them into this. No one can be forced to do it But once they make the decision, things become beautiful really, really quickly. Well, there's different parts of that, right? Because there's the the aspect of If you only worry about things you can't control Then you're there was a movie long time ago. I remember watching it as a kid I literally don't know anything about the movie except for the name bubble boy There was a boy who lived in a bubble because his parents didn't want him to get sick and You or whatever the situation was. But that happens the same now, right? That kid was missing out on life experiences because he was in this bubble. You will put yourself in your own bubble of things you can't control and it's going to be difficult and you're not going to live to the fullest extent that you can. Totally. Yeah. If you're so fixated on things you can't control, you're going to drive yourself absolutely mad. Yeah, and that was one thing I really enjoyed with talking to some of my closest people that I know and love Once you realize the things you can't control don't matter, your life becomes a whole heck of a lot easier. Yeah, you know, I don't know, man. It's a beautiful thing to have such freedom. That's another line from Peaky Blinders that I'm going to drop on you is they talk about how Thomas Shelby, the main character, his biggest fear is freedom. He has to be bound by rules and regulations and everything else that he's so afraid of freedom and actually not having things to happen that he over controls everything else in his life. It's really kind of fascinating. It's been a good series. Yeah, I'll just say again, you know. The scariest part of repelling Is the edge Once you get over it, you're not scared at all. You feel that you're stable. You feel that you're secure It's just beautiful but going over that edge And you're not sure if the rope's gonna snap or not and you're what's gonna happen That's the scary part But once you allow yourself to do it Then it's a beautiful experience and you get to see the world from a view that you've never seen it before and that very few People will sure and that's what I believe You you are capable of experiencing and seeing if you allow your mind and soul to go over the edge and let go for a few minutes of what you are currently grasping onto. Yeah, so I guess the, the story to sum up for our listeners is the fact that don't be so concerned about how other people see your painting. be more concerned about how you see your own painting. And if you feel like you're coming up to a, a cliff in your life where it might be anything, whether it's super energizing topics like politics and religion Or if it's just like, you know, a fear of having a new baby or anything like that, like, feel free to reach out to us at the Isler perspective at gmail. com because we've been over a lot of cliffs in our lives. And, you know, like Tyler said, that's a very scary part, but we love to hear from people. We are always there for you, no matter what it may be, even in your darkest times. and we love you. We're so appreciative of you guys. Share kind words with those around you. Let them know you love them. You never know if those words of that statement is going to be the thing that helps them make that change. Don't force anything upon them. Just show love and support and kindness. Yeah. Don't be afraid to make changes. There's, you know, the, the Kyler that was 10 years ago is different than the Kyler that's right now. And the Kyler that's 10 years in the future might be a totally different person as well. You know every day's a day for a new perspective A day to turn the page and to see a new perspective and a new way of life And that's the joys of living and that's why we're here sharing our podcast because we want to help you See your perspective as it is as it can be and maybe as it were Don't stress. Have a good week hakuna matata. Ciao