The Eye-ler Perspective

20 - UFO sighting in Utah?!?! Britton part. 1

Britton Zeeman Episode 20

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UFO's in Utah!!! Listen to Britton's personal story about his run-in with an unknown flying object!

Kyler Gilstrap:

Welcome everybody to another episode of The Eiler Perspective. This week we have a special guest. This is our first guest, our inaugural guest, and probably our most important to date.

Britton Zeeman:

Hi, I'm Britten Zeeman.

Kyler Gilstrap:

We've got Britten Zeeman on the podcast today and we are going to learn a whole lot about his perspective and how interesting it's going to be. So let's get into this.

Britton Zeeman:


Kyler Gilstrap:


Tyler Zeeman:


Britton Zeeman:

Thank you for having me.

Tyler Zeeman:

So really excited to have Britain here. I have missed him like crazy. He has been living in Japan for like three years and it's just so exciting. Britain is my little brother and we were great friends growing up. We would stay up all night, just laughing our butts off. Kyler had a, the opportunity to experience with that a couple of times. And yeah, we're just excited to have

Britton Zeeman:

you here, Brit. Yeah, I'm super excited. I'm so happy to be home, man. Like it's just, it's refreshing, you know, like you grow up somewhere, you leave for a long time and you come back and it's just like, it's refreshing. You're, you're, you eat the home homemade food and it's just like, ah, this is where I'm meant to be, you know? Nice. Love it. What was your favorite homemade

Tyler Zeeman:

food you've had so far?

Britton Zeeman:

Well, your food. You made us yeah, he made us a roast roast dinner and with mashed potatoes and Carrots. Yeah. Glazed carrots. Glazed carrots. Yeah.

Kyler Gilstrap:

Wow. How many have been spoiled since you've been back? Oh yeah. Yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

Especially with Tyler. He's definitely been spoiling us. Awesome. Yuki and I. Yuki was like, Hey, what do we do with your, with your brother? Cause he's just been so welcoming to us. He's like gone out of his way. He's cooked us dinner. He's given us this room. He's like, what do we do? I was like, I don't know. I don't know. It's like we'll have to think of something to do for him. You can just say

Tyler Zeeman:


Britton Zeeman:

pinch his butt

Kyler Gilstrap:

So, so, britain tell us all about your experiences both how you went to japan what happened there and Your ultimate trip back.

Tyler Zeeman:

Yeah, I guess like start with maybe even that first time to japan why And then your regress and then why you went back. Oh, I have a crazy story for you. Oh good. Yeah So can you do some? Ms. Asmr. Asmr for us. Asmr. Yes.

Britton Zeeman:

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I think that's copywritten. Oh, well, yeah. So when I was younger, I think, how old was I? I think I was like 11 or so. Like, yeah. So, or, or, or maybe I was approaching 11. Cause I remember thinking, cause I grew up a Mormon in the, in the LDS religion. And so I remember. Thinking of that, once I turned 12, I get the priesthood, right? I get to become, I get to, you know, tear the bread and, and serve the water. And so I was excited for that. So that's the only reason why I remember like about how old I was. Okay. But I was at Lindsay's house and with Caden and we're in the backyard and I saw a UFO. No shit. No way. A real one. They're real, bro. I'm serious, like,

Kyler Gilstrap:

yeah, so

Britton Zeeman:

yeah, yeah, I know that that's the only, literally the only reason why I'm saying, cause it's, it's already disclosed people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You really saw, what did it look like? So more

Tyler Zeeman:

details. Yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

So this is a side tangent, but the only reason why I am so convinced by the experience is because I wasn't the only one who saw it. Lindsay and Caden both saw it. I just stayed awake stayed awake longer than they did. And so I got to see it come down the mountain and fly over us.

Tyler Zeeman:

In Spanish Fork?

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah, here, in Spanish Fork, yeah. Wow. So, yeah, it's just yeah, it's just the mountain right over there. So we were sleeping out in the backyard on the trampoline, and I, I look up because there's this really bright light and I just assume, you know, it's a star or something. Then I'm like, Oh no, maybe it's a plane. But after a while, if it not moving I'm like, I turned to Lindsay. I'm like, Lindsay, what is that? Because she lives there. So obviously she's seen this, right? So she goes, Oh, it's just a plane. I'm like, Oh, okay. Okay. So, you know, she convinces me it's playing a little bit later, goes by and I'm like, okay. No, what is that? It's still there. I'm like, Yuki, what is that? She's like, it's a plan. I'm like, it's not a plan. Yuki, you mean Lindsay? Oh, shoot. Yeah. It's good. We know what you mean. Yeah. Tyler keeps

Tyler Zeeman:

calling me. I keep calling him Reed. I keep calling Reed Britain. Yeah. Drive me crazy. Yeah. I wasn't sure if I should, should say your kid's name or not. It's like, wait,

Kyler Gilstrap:

how open are we? I'm not sure. Yeah. We've talked about it before. No, we've talked about it before. Yeah.

Tyler Zeeman:

With AI. Yeah, it was fun. Anyway, sorry. So you say that to Lindsay again?

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah. So I, yeah, I pointed out, I'm like, Lindsay, it's not moving. It's not like we've been out there like an hour and it's in the same spot. Like, and Yeah, we're just playing around and it's like oh it's a like no it's a it's an airplane I'm like, that's not an airplane kids. Like no, it's an airplane. I'm like, it's not an airplane. It hasn't moved It's brighter than an airplane. It's brighter than all the stars like like there aren't at this point There's like very few stars in the sky because the Sun's like barely going down. Okay and so I'm like arguing with the one like that is not an airplane and And And then I'm like, okay, whatever, you know, we, we argue and then like, we just go back to like playing or whatever. And we're like wrestling on the trampoline and then they get off the trampoline and they're doing something else, like in the dirt or something like Caden's like playing in the dirt. Like Lindsey's like kind of standing like halfway towards the towards the mountain and the trampoline. And I'm about to crawl out from, because they had a net around the trampoline, about to crawl out. And like, I, I had this feeling that it was going to happen. And So I, I'm kind of looking up at the mountain, but I've kind of not looking at it, but just this huge, bright flash, like it flashes so bright. And I'm like, Oh my gosh. Like I see everything around just flashes bright white. And I look up and it's like, like, I can't explain like this, this white, like it, it was like a nuclear bomb went off and you see like, just like the outlines of the trees. And like just on the mountain and it's just bright and it just covers everything and it's It's just it's really fast But it was bright bright like super bright and it lasted long enough that I was able to look up at the mountain and see the see the trees like just kind of Yeah, and then it was just like bright flash and So I was like, okay That is not an airplane Right, and so I turned to them. I was like, did you see that? Do you see that flash? And he goes, yeah, and I was like caden. Did you see the flash? He's like, well, I just saw light, you know Flash around me, you know, because he wasn't like he was looking at the dirt. And i'm like man like So i'm just like so curious for some reason they're just like not interested at all Yeah, and i'm like what is that? Like i'm so i'm like fascinated And Sorry, this is a long, like, sidetrack story. It's great. No, it's a good story. Anyways, so, some time goes by, and I see, you know, you know, the little It's a bright like white dot in the sky basically and it's just floating right above the mountain and I can tell that it's above The mountain, you know, and it just kind of comes up and down a little bit like it It adjusts like it's staying in the same spot but like So for a while it's staying in the same spot, but the rotation of the earth was coming so it kind of lowered down over the mountain a little bit and So that that's what happened like when it flashed because it was kind of below the trees and that's when I was like, okay I'm not interested in it anymore. It's kind of gone and then it flashed like that But yeah, after the class, we just kind of go back to normal. We get on the trampoline. We're just kind of bouncing around a little bit, do whatever we do. And suddenly I just get really tired and Caden and Lindsey get really tired at the same time, like suddenly we're just like dead, like so tired, but I have a feeling I'm like, Oh no, I have to stay awake and stare at this thing. Cause something weird is happening. And. So, Caden and Lindsey fall asleep and Lindsey's like, don't jump on the trampoline cause I'm going to bed. I'm like, okay. Cause she's, she's like the strict one. She's, she's the oldest, you know, of the three of us and I'm like, okay. But I'm thinking like, that's my, my safeguard is something weird happens. I'm just going to jump around and annoy Lindsey and she's going to wake up and yell at me, right? Backup, backup plans. Yeah. This is the Lindsey that like, she slept over at our house and she was like. Bri stop staring at me. Like, she'd like wake up from a dead sleep, like, stop staring at me. I'm like, how'd you even know? I was looking at you like, why were you staring at her? Because it's Lindsay. I don't know. Hmm. We just sitting out, you know? And then, but yeah, most of the time I wasn't. I was just, she, she made me look at her because she was like, supple stuff, Sarah. Yeah. You know, but yeah, so this is like the, the strict lens that I'm talking about at the, at the time and, sorry, Lindsay, I love you. Yeah, so they fall asleep and I'm like, man, I'm super tired. I'm, and I'm just staring at this light because it flashed so bright. Like it was, it was unnatural. It was not normal. And I'm watching it. And after, I don't know, like a little while, so that the sun has finally kind of gone down and I'm like, I'm just like about to give up staring at this, this bright dot and then it starts to move and it's slowly like slowly you could eat you could eat. Like it slowly went down the mountain, like slowly around the mountain. I was like, Oh my gosh, it's slowly going down the mountain. Like, like this is, this is controlled. Going down the mountain, like the side of, I'm like, what is this? It's so weird. And I'm like, Oh no, I'm going to lose it over, over the house. And sure enough, I lose it behind the house. I'm like, Oh, I wonder if it's going to come over or not. I'm like, I probably lost it forever. That's the last I'm ever going to see of this thing. And if that's all that I saw, I would have just like dismissed it as like some weird bright light, you know? Cause that's all it was at the time. But I kept watching because I was hoping something would happen and it came over the house and I'm not, I'm not talking like, like, you know, up in the air over the house. I mean like right above the house. Like I thought it was going to hit the house and it has had three legs on it that barely, I was like, Oh, the legs are going to hit the house. No, it barely goes over the top of the house like perfectly like over the top of the house and comes down This other the other side because you know that the house got a point Yeah, then starts coming down the other side of the house like it followed the curve of the house and then came down towards me on the trampoline and at this time I felt like Oh, like my, so you started jumping on the trampoline? Yeah. Yeah. My, my chest tightened up and I started jumping on the trampoline. Lindsay, Lindsay. Lindsay. Lindsay, yes. Like, like wake up. I was like, I was jumping, jumping, like, like this was my, my like signal, like They didn't move. Lindsay did not even seek, speak a word, nothing. They didn't even move. And so I was like, I started going to Caden'cause he was the closest one to me'cause he was sleeping in the middle. And so I, I started going to, to Caden. I was like, Caden. Caden. I started shaking Caden I was like, Caden, he's like, I'm tired, man. And whatever he said, you know, and I'm like, oh my gosh, like, this is crazy. I was like, so after like shaking them and like kicking Caden a little bit, I was like, okay, they're not moving. I like, I don't, this is my one opportunity to see something crazy. So I stopped and I, I went over and jumped on top of the The net, cause I wanted to clear our view cause I was staring through the net at first, but it was just kind of staying. And that was like the

Kyler Gilstrap:

protective net around the trampoline, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

You know, protective quote unquote, but yeah, cause I, so it started coming towards, towards me and like my chest tightened up for a brief moment and then it stopped and I was like, you know, just like a moment of silence and I was like, like a deer in the headlight. Yeah. I was just like staring at it and I was like,

Kyler Gilstrap:

we're sharing a

Britton Zeeman:

moment. Yeah. And then I like. Relax, I was like, wait. Like, it's, I realized how small it was. Like, it was small. Oh, like, what, how big

Tyler Zeeman:

would you say?

Britton Zeeman:

So, like, like a minivan? Okay. Yeah. So, But, like, circular? What did it, what would it look like? Yeah, so it was, it was an egg shape. Okay. It was an egg, and then it had three So like, if you like the fat part of an egg, I had three legs on the bottom side of the, oh, so it was like

Kyler Gilstrap:

an egg standing up.

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah. Oh yeah.

Kyler Gilstrap:

Yeah. Not like traveling down like a minivan. It was like an egg. Oh yeah. It was fat part of the egg where the air stack is. Yeah. Had three little legs. Yeah, exactly. Cool. So it was almost like a, those like the Chinese ornamental eggs. You know what I'm talking about? Like those really ornate ones that are out of jewels and whatnot. Oh yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah, exactly. Just like that. Yeah. Just like an egg.

Kyler Gilstrap:


Britton Zeeman:

size. Yeah. So anyways, I'm looking at roughly

Kyler Gilstrap:

fits like five to seven aliens.

Britton Zeeman:

Well, that's what I was wondering because it was, it was small enough. Like I say, like a minivan, but I was thinking like, if there's like controls in there or whatever, then like, like, what are you fitting in there? Maybe like a small child or something. But if there's nothing

Kyler Gilstrap:

for me, yeah, so that exactly, that's

Britton Zeeman:

what went through my head because of course I'm a child, right? I'm like 11 years old. Yeah. Like that. Yeah, kind of except more egg shape.

Kyler Gilstrap:

Yeah, that's a little more spherical. Yeah, Tyler just however

Britton Zeeman:

Mine wasn't like black like you so bright. Yeah, it was it like silver. So yeah, so it's kind of like so it was like a It's I have a hard time explaining the metal and it seems like everybody that sees a UFO that has a hard time explaining in The metal because it was like a matte yet matte gray But you could tell like, it was like a weird, it was like a different metal. Hmm. And I, I,'cause I remember thinking that, like as a kid, I was like, what kind of metal was that? Because I,'cause I, I was like trying to analyze everything about it because it wasn't there for so long. Like, it was there long enough for me to like, kind of study it for you guys, share moment, stab at each other. So I was, yeah. I was staring at it and I was interested in it, you know, it was in egg shape, but. So it stayed like maybe like 10, 15 feet away from the tramp. And I was playing basketball with my friend a lot. So I kind of knew like 10 feet, you know, basketball height. So it was probably like 13 to 15 feet off the ground. And I, I felt that if I had stood on the top of like the net and jumped as far as I probably could have touched like the foot of it. Or, or gotten close. It was way close to that. Yeah. Or gotten close to touching it. A floating egg van. Yeah. So, so it is like 10, 15 feet away from Yeah. Like it's really close. So I, so now I know like I'm not hallucinating this, like this is right here in front of me and. I'm, you know, and I gave up on waking Ken Lindsay up for a little bit because I was like, Oh, this is my opportunity. You know, everybody says they see these things and they shoot off and go, you know,

Kyler Gilstrap:


Britton Zeeman:

It didn't happen. Just stayed there.

Kyler Gilstrap:

I feel like that's when my intrusive thoughts get the best of me. And I'd just stare at it and like, start pumping my arm like you did as a kid. Honk your horn! Come on dude, honk your horn! Wooo! That's exactly what I think of, like, he's staring at me, I'm gonna stare right back at him and get him to honk a horn.

Britton Zeeman:

What was that like, logger guy's name who claims to have gotten abducted? That's probably what he did, he was like, honk the horn, and they were like, zap! Maybe it's a good idea you didn't do that. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, so I'm staring at it for a while. And I just want to explain the lights because nobody has ever explained lights like this before. So have you ever seen the Aurora Borealis? Yeah. Yeah. Well, no, but pictures, not in person. Yeah. I mean, of course pictures, but this is how I, I, the best that I could explain it. And as I can, it's still the best that I can explain it now. So it was just ionization surrounding the outside of the craft. So it was really bright and it had it was multiple colors That would come and go so the most probably was like a white Orange would you say there's like a green and yellow

Kyler Gilstrap:

almost like an aura around the craft that kind of light like it almost like it was

Britton Zeeman:

No, not an aura Not an aura. It was like the aurora borealis like there was ionization around it Like there was there's so much energy being put out that it was it was like lighting the air around it Hmm, okay That's the only way I can explain that. Yeah, that's so cool. Because it was like localized around the outside of the craft. And

Tyler Zeeman:

this is behind Lindsay's house? Yeah. Okay.

Britton Zeeman:

Literally like in her backyard. Okay. And I know my cousin would be like, Oh, you're so full of crap. No, this happened. Okay. And I know it happened because you saw it too before you fell asleep.

Kyler Gilstrap:

They put you to sleep, and I withstood the anesthesia. They put you to sleep, and I was strong, and then I was scared, and you wouldn't wake up! You bastards! Seriously. You left me high and dry while the aliens almost abducted me. I could've

Tyler Zeeman:

been abducted! You would've woke up

Kyler Gilstrap:

and I would've been gone! Anal penetration.

Britton Zeeman:

Oh shit! So that's where that anal leakage started.

Kyler Gilstrap:

It all started when I was 11. Oh no. Oh.

Britton Zeeman:

So yeah, yeah. So there's like multiple colors. There's like green and blue, you know, they're not so there weren't some problems, like really the bright colors that were kind of still prevalent.

Kyler Gilstrap:

That's crazy. Cause I've known you for years and I saw a pillar of light

Britton Zeeman:

directly above his head because it's not like, it's just not something that you shared, you know?

Kyler Gilstrap:

Yeah. But I feel like we had a lot of crazy nights at Timberline. That would have been a perfect

Britton Zeeman:

never shared this

Tyler Zeeman:

with me.

Kyler Gilstrap:

Whoa. Yeah. This is a brother exclusive too. I love this.

Tyler Zeeman:

Yeah. Well, cause I probably wouldn't have believed you. Well, no.

Britton Zeeman:

You gotta be prepared for a story like this. So by the way, I went back home and like the next day I asked dad, I was like, Hey, so I saw this craft in Lindsey's backyard. Do we call it in? Like, I wasn't sure if we were supposed to call the police. Like, like I was serious. Cause I, I'd seen it. And dad kind of gets this weird puzzled look on his face like, No, no, we're good. We're good because because what because you know, did it talk to you?

Tyler Zeeman:

Did it did it? No, no No, nothing happens that and stared at each other. Yeah,

Britton Zeeman:

cuz I think it was a thing cuz that's what's so weird about it That's what was so weird about so I You know, they're there's a whole bunch of crazy ideas. You can come up about what this was and what happened But I have no idea there really is I have no idea but this craft it was real and it I saw it, you know

Kyler Gilstrap:

Sometimes they talk about like communication beyond words Yeah, it's almost like, no, no, it's like almost like communicating to your mind. I

Tyler Zeeman:

was going to say, did it speak to you in Japanese or was there like Japanese Kanji on there and that's why you became obsessed with Japanese.

Britton Zeeman:

Well, yeah. So I was going to get, get to that. So, Oh, not, not, Oh, hold on. I'm doing it again. The Jeff, I hope you're all sitting down for this. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Yeah. So there was like a ring around the center of it. It was like a, I couldn't tell if it was actually like a golden ring just cause it was shining from like the light around it or something. But there was a, there was a, yeah, there's a light ring around the center. And I think it was spinning. Okay. I'm not really sure in the middle.

Tyler Zeeman:

Dude, that would make sense because if that spins rapidly, it could create gravity inside to hold them in place while they're maybe, or maybe it's like a gyroscope that kind of like creates energy and momentum.

Kyler Gilstrap:

I have no idea, man. Yeah, I'm not a rocket scientist. I wouldn't know what you're talking about because Jeff, if

Tyler Zeeman:

you're listening to this, please. Jeff, please chime please. You, we need you on the podcast. Jeff, was it you? Jeff is a rocket scientist, legitimately. Oh really? Yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

Oh, that's cool. I, I don't even, he, he does cool stuff. I don't even know what Jeff we're talking about, but Jeff from Timberline? Yeah, from Timberline. The skinny guy. Yeah. Blonde hair. Yep. Oh, okay. Cool. I'm glad I got that one. Wow, that's really cool. So I'm staring at this thing, kind of rotate. And it's hard because this was so long ago. Okay. So if I make like mistakes and like these things get revealed later on, you're like, Oh, that guy was full full of crap. Like, no, I'm just, it was when I was 11 and I didn't write any of this down. So but there were symbols on like this little, you know, sort of, you know, part of center part of it. And I remember one of them looked like the Katakana, Ka. And that's all I remember. What is that? I don't know what that is. So it's a Japanese character. Okay. Yeah. What's it mean? So there's, Japanese has three characters writing systems. There's hiragana, there's katakana, and then there are kanji, which are the Chinese characters. Okay. Katakana are more like straight line, like, hiragana characters. Like the more formal? Yeah, well not really formal like they're used for like foreign words or for emphasize something Okay, like screaming or something.

Tyler Zeeman:

Okay. It's like all cap locks kind of situation. Yeah

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah Yeah. So I just remember one kind of looked like the katakana ka. So just very straight line, kind of squarish with the, yeah. So later in life when I saw the ka, I was like, Oh, this is an interesting language. What, what is this? So I started learning to hiragana and katakana. I didn't realize I was learning Japanese at the time. I was just curious. Yeah, by the way. So the UFO, I sat there long enough. Like that I got bored of it. So I was staring at this thing I and I started studying it because I was like this is a once in a lifetime thing So and you didn't have a phone because you're so young. Yeah, I didn't have a phone Oh, so so the weird thing is that I I did I I think I did have a cell phone But I think it was out of charge. So I think I either left it at home or it was charging in Lindsey's house. I can't remember. It was one of the two. I just, I didn't have it on me. Cause I, cause we were out on the tram jumping around anyways. So why would I have my phone on me? Right. Yeah. So, cause I remember I reached down to my pocket and I was like, Oh, I don't have my phone. And I was like, this is the most annoying thing in history. Like, cause this is like the, like. pivotal moment in history. I have the opportunity to show everybody that this weird craft is real and, you know, but whatever, I don't have my phone. Yeah. So it's got the, the three legs now I'm staring at it. It's got like the, and I, and I realized I'm sitting there, I'm like, Oh, I don't hear anything. I got to listen closer. And there was a really like low buzzing hum. And that's the best I can describe it. It's just a buzzing hum and don't ask me to try to make the sound I I will not come anywhere close. It's just yeah, it's just like make the sound. I don't look No, no, no, no, no, no It was lower and harder to hear so people say that they see these objects and they don't hear anything The only reason that I heard anything at all is because it was so close to me,

Kyler Gilstrap:

right? Okay, and you recognize you weren't hearing something so then you Listen to it. Yeah. Yeah. So

Britton Zeeman:

I, I deliberately listened to it. Yeah. So if you, yeah, so they're, they're basically silent.

Tyler Zeeman:

Like Adam's just moving super fast.

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah, maybe, maybe. Yeah. I'm

Kyler Gilstrap:


Britton Zeeman:

I'm trying, I'm trying. Yeah.

Kyler Gilstrap:

Probably lower than

Britton Zeeman:

that. Yeah. Yeah. And that way I was like metal and I, I looked, I was like, like, Is there a door on it? You know, I couldn't see a door or anything. If there was a window, like there was no window, by the way, there was no window on it. If there was, maybe it was on the other side of, of the craft, but I, even when it flew over and past me, I didn't see anything on it either.

Tyler Zeeman:

Flew on over top of you and then left you eventually.

Britton Zeeman:

Well, it was weird. Cause it was like, it was trying to keep a specific distance away or something. So it flew up and then it kind of. Went a little bit to the right and kind of, it went over us, but like off to the side. Like trying to keep away from the trampoline or something, I don't know, but

Kyler Gilstrap:

I probably wonder what it probably is wondering what the striking distance of a human is, you know Like when I see an animal and i'm like i'm not quite sure if that thing can attack Like maybe I could maybe I just need to give it some more space as I pass this So grab

Tyler Zeeman:

the leg down there and fly with it's

Kyler Gilstrap:

staring at me

Britton Zeeman:

well what's weird is that like I I I don't know if it was just because it seemed like it was light like like imagine a balloon like moving with intention You Like it's really weird

Tyler Zeeman:

that is weird. Yeah, it was like a metal balloon Knowing what it was doing. Yeah, so it was odd. I Yeah, I

Britton Zeeman:

have a really hard time explaining what it looks like because it's just bizarre like an upside down

Tyler Zeeman:


Britton Zeeman:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah but I remember thinking like if it landed I I wonder if I could tip it over I could probably tip it over like it looked that light Yeah, like it looked like it was light or something. I I don't know if that's just like was my You you know, overestimation of my own p or I mean, it was floating.

Tyler Zeeman:

You're like, it's metal and it's flooding. So I could probably flip

Britton Zeeman:

it. Yeah. Maybe I flip it. Yeah. It could be like super heavy, you know? I don't know. But that, that was my impression that I could probably tip it over if it landed. Mm-Hmm. But it's weird'cause I, I look at that situation and I, I wonder like,'cause obviously I, I don't know if I can say that's military or not. Mm-Hmm. because why would they be in the backyard?

Tyler Zeeman:

Why were they staring at three children?

Britton Zeeman:

Exactly So my thought was like they were just curious of what we were doing on the trampoline They they were probably curious about the trampoline. Yeah, so I think they're they're looking at some some weird situation cultural difference thing That they had never seen before and they were curious

Tyler Zeeman:

It's like why would they leave three kids out here by themselves? Yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah, that was just my thought and then

Tyler Zeeman:

that's actually really like wise thought processing for an 11 year old Yeah Yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

Well he's had all these years to try to, well, yeah, it was just digest a long time of Yeah. You know and I remember thinking like, don't think where my house is. Don't think where my house is you know, like my child, you gotta follow me home. You know? And then it, you know, it kind of flies off towards where, where my house was, you know? I think it's just coincidence'cause I mean, it was coming that way anyway. And but yeah, but you know. You hear all these stories of people seeing these aircraft and they just go super it didn't even care It didn't seem like it cared to be seen or not Like it seemed like it waited till it was dark enough And then it just like slowly floated like a balloon through the sky like right above everything like Like it just didn't care And like just doing it to be fair Like if you're driving a car and you just like see a light out there, you know, you don't think anything Oh, it's like oh it's another house or it's some other weird light.

Kyler Gilstrap:

Yeah. Yeah, it makes sense to me You

Britton Zeeman:

So, I don't know. It was just a really weird experience. And but like, yeah. Anyway, so, I was like, Tonya, I kicked Caden really hard. Like, I kicked him really hard. Okay? He didn't move. That kid sleeps like a rock. Like, I kicked him hard and he goes, And he just rolls over, like. So don't blame me for my cousins being like, Oh, that didn't happen. Yes, it did. It happened. I promise. I'm not lying. That's cool. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Tyler Zeeman:

That's a wild story, man. Like it's a cool story. I'm also jealous. Kyler and I have had conversations about UFOs and aliens and things that have happened around the country with like cattle and things like that. And we've wanted to go and do the UFO investigation and stuff. Some crazy weird cattle stuff. Oh yeah. I

Kyler Gilstrap:

got some friends who investigate it. Oh really? Yeah. Interesting. We need to get him on the podcast. That'd be dope. Yeah.

Britton Zeeman:

Yeah, because you know, I I mean there are things that like, you know ghost stories or whatever, but like all those like I'll dismiss those like any day of the week just because I like this one this was real like I I You know, I I grew up mormon, you know, and I I left the church, you know I I changed my views when I didn't have the evidence and i'm telling you like I can't deny this one like it was it was a real object That's all So cool.